The name of the contest is "VHF Cup of SRRS".

The contest takes place every year in SEPTEMBER, on the first full weekend (04th and 5th Sep. 2004).

The contest will commence on SATURDAY at 1400 UTC, goes on for next 24 hours and ends on SUNDAY at 1400 UTC

All licensed radio amateurs may participate in the contest, in accordance with the provisions of their operation permits and legislation of their countries.

The contest takes place at VHF band.

The participants are divided into following categories:

A. 144 MHz    MULTI OP
B. 144 MHz    SINGLE OP
C. 145 MHz    FM - SINGLE OP

Radio clubs must participate as "A" category.

Placing in all categories is international.

Contacts may be made in A1A, J3E or F3E.

Code numbers exchanged during each contact shall consist of the RS or RST report, followed by a serial number commencing with 001 for the first contact and increasing by one for each successive contact, and universal WW QTH locator.

Points will be scored on the basis of one point per QRB kilometer.

Each station can be worked only once regardless on the type of emission.

Contacts made via active repeaters, satellites, EME or contacts made with mixed type of emissions shall not count for points.

Possible duplicate contacts must be clearly marked as such in the log and without claim for points.

Any error in information logged by participating station will render the contact unaccountable for points.

Stations with more than 10% points deducted from the final score because of errors in logged information, calculation of QRB or duplicate contacts will be disqualified.

Any station established by the contest commission to have deliberately added non-existing contacts in the log or that violated HAM SPIRIT in any other way will be disqualified.

The logsheets and cover sheet shall be send to the contest commission not lather than 15 DAYS after the completion of the contest (postal stamp counts). Stations that send the logs after that time will not be included in the placing, as well as stations that do not send cover sheet or the statement about obeying the rules of the contest and HAM SPIRIT.

The logsheets shall have following information: call sign of the participant, date, UTC time, call sign of the station worked, report sent and received and serial number, universal WW QTH locator of the station worked, type of emission, QRB and number of points claimed.

The cover sheet must contain: call sign of the participant, first and last name or the title of the participant, category of participation, WW QTH locator of the location of operation, the number of valid contacts, the number of points, the statement about obeying these rules and HAM SPIRIT, mailing address of permanent location and e-mail address. It would be desirable if the cover sheet would contain the names and call signs of all operators working in “A” category, the name of location of operation and its altitude, the data about radio equipment and antennas used in the contest, the data on longest achieved contact and short comment about the contest.

Send the log sheets and the cover sheet not later than 15 DAYS (postal stamp counts) after the completion of the contest to the following address:

P.O.Box 99
74001 DOBOJ

or to


The logs with more than 50 contacts must be sent by e-mail, exclusively in EDI format (call.edi) to above mentioned e-mail address.
You shall receive confirmation of reception for the log sent by e-mail not later than 2 days after the reception, to the e-mail address you stated at in the cover sheet or to the address from where the log was sent. If you don’t get the confirmation of reception, please resend the log.

The results of the contest will be published at Internet location and in other media.

The prizes and diplomas will be awarded for first three positions in each category and the diplomas with stated placing would be awarded to the stations placed between 4th and 10th place, in each category as well. The trophies for the winners will be awarded in appropriate way.

For the commission:
Ostojić Željko YU4NC